Water Disruption Issues Starting Saturday In Downtown Bismarck.
Find a problem and then fix that problem. That's what City of Bismarck crews will be doing beginning Saturday, December 3rd, in downtown Bismarck.
City staff will be working to shut down water service to buildings along Fifth Street between Main Avenue and Thayer Avenue on Saturday morning to disinfect the water main. Affected buildings south of Broadway Avenue are anticipated to have water restored for recommended toilet use by Saturday afternoon. Affected buildings north of Broadway Avenue will not have service restored through at least Monday morning.
This isn't your standard regularly scheduled maintenance run, this is a response to results discovered by the City of Bismarck Public Works Utility Operations and Engineering Departments. In this case, it was a test in an area of new construction in downtown Bismarck that led to the positive discovery of coliform bacteria in early indication tests.
As I said find a problem- fix a problem.
Coliforms are bacteria that generally are not harmful and are naturally present in the environment, such as in soils and well water.
The bacteria are often an early indicator that other, potentially harmful, bacteria could become present. However, all testing has confirmed other harmful bacteria are not present in the water.
Courtesy of the City of Bismarck
So if you reside or do business in Downtown Bismarck in the following areas you may be affected throughout the weekend with some work continuing into Monday.
Addresses of buildings affected by the shutdown:
· 413, 417, 418, 419, 423 East Broadway
· 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 220, 221 North Fifth Street
· 420, 422 East Main
Gonna be awful cold to be working with water. Thanks to the public crews and the work you do!
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