Western ND Deputy seriously Injured in Crash
Here's what happened.
On Hwy 1806 outside Watford City, a Syndey Montana man driving a Semi rear-ended 24-year-old deputy Natasha Skayla in her patrol car that was stopped to turn into her driveway. Her vehicle spun out of control and burst into flames. Luckily, highway patrol was nearby and was able to rescue her.
The deputy who was involved suffered significant injuries and had to be airlifted to Bismarck for treatment.
The semi-truck driver did stop to help out and luckily there were no fatalities on the scene with the Deputy being the only one seriously hurt.
Of course, all local authorities were on the scene both from Highway and Watford city and were able to get the crime scene under control shortly.
According to KFYR:
A social media post from Skala’s sister says the officer broke at least seven ribs, has a bruised lung, neck fracture, broken lower back vertebrates, broken clavicle, broken humerus, and a shattered shoulder.
The post says Skala is talking. Her sister, Anna, posted Saturday that doctors say Skala’s lungs are stable and show no signs of increased bruising.
“She’s a fighter, and this isn’t going to slow her down,” said Anna in the FB post.
Skala’s family says they’re thankful for the crew that was looking over their loved one Friday.
Pretty, scary situation out there on route 1806.
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