Census Numbers Show the 10 Most Moved to Counties in the U.S.; Half are in North Dakota
Are the good times really over for good? That's the chorus to a classic country song, and it's fitting for the oil industry in North Dakota right now. Once and for many years, Western North Dakota had a boom, with people moving to the area for high paying oil related jobs. Vacancies for housing were at an all time high, and property was at a high demand. Local businesses couldn't find enough help to fill service industry jobs or had to offer $10-15 dollar more than minimum wage to attract workers.
It is amazing what a few months of low oil prices can do to an area. With the down turn in oil prices and drilling activity, people have moved out of the state with the jobs. Vacancies are now at an all time high and rental prices, for a while, this highest in the country, are starting to come down to earth, even trying to attract tenants with 'pet friendly' places that were not welcoming of the furry critters before.
Last week, Business Insider releases figures about the 10 most attractive counties in the nation. These are the counties that people are moving to or the counties that experienced the highest amount of new residents. It's worth mentioning, these figures are from 2014-2015. I'm sure if the survey included the end of 2015, this ranking would be somewhat different. In this survey as it is, North Dakota has 4 out of the top 10 counties with the highest amount of growth. They were-
- McKenzie Country (#1)
- Williams Country (#2)
- Mountrail County (#4)
- Stark County (#8)
This survey was conducted from July 1, 2014- July 1,2015.
My oh my, how things have changed!
You can see the complete list and more on the methodology here.
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