10 Things You Miss About North Dakota When You Move Away
North Dakota is home to many, but some choose to leave this great state for college, a career, or new adventure.
Unless you've moved away from North Dakota, you may take the following things for granted. Here are the 10 things North Dakotans will miss if they move to another state:
- Creatas Images, ThinkStock
Creatas Images, ThinkStock 1'North Dakota Nice'
The people from North Dakota are some of the nicest you'll meet. Whether you need help shoveling your driveway or carrying your groceries, someone is always willing to help.
- Jupiterimages, ThinkStock
Jupiterimages, ThinkStock 2North Dakota 'Traffic'
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American's commute time is 25.4 minutes. The average in North Dakota is 16.9 minutes but I would argue many North Dakotan's travel a much shorter distance.
- TSM Bismarck
TSM Bismarck 3Authentic German Food
The farther you move away from North Dakota, the harder it will be to find German food like kuchen, fleischkuekle, and knoephla soup. Most North Dakotan towns have these foods available year round!
- TSM Bismarck
TSM Bismarck 4The Large Sky
Some would say that the lack of trees and abundance of flat land is a bad thing, but those people have never seen a North Dakota sky. Sunrises, sunsets, and star gazing is the best in ND.
- ImpaKPro, ThinkStock
ImpaKPro, ThinkStock 5'Ya sure, You betcha' or 'Uff Da'
These are common North Dakota phrases that people from other states will not understand. You will feel much better when you return home to ND after a long day of traveling and let out an 'Uff da' without getting strange looks.
- Bojan Sokolovic, ThinkStock
Bojan Sokolovic, ThinkStock 6Four Seasons
If you're a fan of year-round warm weather, North Dakota isn't for you. But if you're from here and move somewhere tropical, it won't be long before you start to miss your fall sweaters and winter scarves.
- Brand X Pictures, ThinkStock
Brand X Pictures, ThinkStock 7Hotdish
Some will try and argue that casserole is a fair substitute for hotdish. Those people are wrong. Hotdish is the perfect combination of canned soup, ground beef, frozen vegetables and tater tots. This is a dish you should definitely make for your out-of-state friends.
- David Purdy, Getty Images
David Purdy, Getty Images 8NDSU/UND Sports
North Dakotans love their NDSU Football and UND Hockey. Good luck trying to find those games playing in any other state (unless it's a playoff or championship game).
- TSM Bismarck
TSM Bismarck 9Caramel Rolls
Much like hotdish, people will try to correct you and ask if you mean 'cinnamon roll.' A cinnamon roll fails in comparison to a gooey, warm caramel roll. We even searched the Bismarck-Mandan area and found the best of the best.
- Jupiterimages, ThinkStock
Jupiterimages, ThinkStock 10Hunting and Fishing
North Dakota is home to some great hunting and fishing. Not only does the land and nature provide such great hunting opportunities, it is widely accepted and embraced within our community.
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