The tendency in democracy is, in all things, to mediocrity. - James Fenimore Cooper

Talkers Magazine, the supposed voice of the "talk media" industry held it's yearly self-congratulatory powwow in New York over the weekend, where it presented its annual Freedom of Speech Award.

Who do you suppose was the recipient? Was it Bassem Youssef, the Egyptian satirist who was imprisoned by that country's president? Was it Pussy Riot in Russia? Edward Snowden? Was it any number of persecuted dissidents in places like Myanmar, China, Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc...?


The individual selected by the self-anointed mouthpiece of the spoken-word radio industry as its model of courage, principle and fortitude in the face of tyranny is...

...Glenn Beck.

His acceptance speech was excruciatingly unexceptional; don't take my word for it; check it out here...

And please pass me my propeller hat...


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