COVID In Your Tap Water? North Dakota Doctor Speaks Out
A TikTok video posted on social media showed a positive COVID-19 test when putting the at-home test under tap water. This has spawned other social media videos claiming the same result the last couple of weeks causing panic among its users. Wouldn't that be something? Get COVID-19 from your at-home water.
Well, as usual, TikTok has got it wrong. Viral misinformation, according to an article on Valley News Live in Fargo and an interview with Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Avish Nagpal from Sanford Hospital in Fargo. COVID-19 is not in your drinking water. He goes on to say in the video that there are a lot of chemicals in tap water that will mess with the COVID-19 test to cause a false positive. The Doctor also adds this is a completely inappropriate use of a very precious commodity. COVID-19 tests supplies remain in short supply across the country.
The last two days in North Dakota we have had over 1000 new cases of COVID-19 and we haven't seen numbers like this since November of 2021. Yes, numbers are going up, but it's NOT because there is COVID in your drinking water. If you believe that, I've got some oceanfront property for sale in Beach, North Dakota.
Ironically, the original TikTok video making the claims there is COVID-19 in your tap water has been removed. As usual, don't believe everything you see or read online. Well, except this article. Drink your tap water to your heart's content. All you have to worry about is the chemicals, and they might be worse than COVID. Just kidding, well maybe.
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