In Bismarck – Cops And Kiddos Fishing – Sounds Perfect
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Bismarck Police and young kids, all with huge smiles on their faces. These are just but a few wonderful events that our police department has to offer the community, and they do this kind of thing all the time. They have what I think is perfect, going on tomorrow. Cops and kids fishing derby - this is a great way for everyone to get together and be around each other in a relaxing no-stress area.
Harmon Lake - the site where all ages will get out and have some fun
The Bismarck Police Department and Bismarck Police Youth Bureau are putting this event on - The event starts around 8:30 am tomorrow and goes until around 3:30 pm. It is a great event that has taken place for over 30 years - going on at Harmon Lake (North of Mandan). Here is why I think this is so awesome, Area law enforcement takes out pre-selected kids throughout the area fishing for a day on boats on Harmon Lake. So many of us growing up have many advantages over those who don't, like those from broken homes, and kids that have been separated from their parents and haven't had the chance to experience so many little things in life that are crucial. This is a chance for kids to be around adults and see for themselves that police officers are just people too, and I'm sure that this will be a special time they will remember for quite some time. The Bismarck Police Youth does an amazing job of letting young people know that they truly care.