North Dakota’s Young Adults Don’t Live with Their Parents Long
It seems that Millennials in North Dakota are pretty good at leaving the nest at a reasonably early age.
Recently, a study was performed by 24/7 Wall St. as they researched which states live with their parents the most. North Dakota showed up as number 50, which means that North Dakota's young adults leave their parents sooner than any other state in the U.S.
On average, one-third of Americans live with their parents. Economically, this would make the most sense for millennials as they may face student debt, high levels of unemployment in certain areas, and tight budgets in general based on their level of education and/or career advancement thus far.
However, North Dakota's young adults are far below that national average. The key statistics determined for each state in this study were: percentage of population between ages 18-34 living with parents, cost of living, and median age to get married. The following results were calculated for North Dakota:
> 18-34 yr. old population living with parent: 14.1%
> Cost of living: 9.3% lower than nation (17th lowest)
> Median age to get married: 26.5 (5th youngest)
The most influential statistic of all is the percentage of 18-34 year old population living with parents. North Dakota's 14.1% was by far the lowest in the nation. The next lowest was South Dakota at 19.9%. Overall, North Dakota was followed in the overall ranking by South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Iowa to round out the top five states with the least amount of young adults living with their parents.
The states with the highest amount of young adults living with their parents are New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Maryland, and Florida as one through five respectively.
It's good to know that North Dakota millennials don't care for mooching off their parents too long.