The Memories Will Haunt Mandan Forever
Hard to believe that it's been one year
There are many expressions that you hear without giving them much thought. One of them is absolutely false, and it pertains to all of us, in particular, the ones who are THE closest to this horrible case - the families. "Time heals all wounds" - Sorry, but it doesn't - there is no way that it ever will. I moved here just over 2 years ago, I work right down the street from one of the most grisly murder scenes police have ever come across - RJR Property management company - 1106 32nd Ave SE in Mandan. EVERY time I drive by that street my mind flashes images of a madman butchering four innocent people - the date was April 1st, 2019. The police caught a suspect a couple of days later, and 364 days ago he went on trial for murder - His name was Chad Isaak.
The immediate families and friends of the victims had to relive the horror
I watched the trial on TV every day, and just one thought kept running through my mind, that there is no way the pain will ever go away for the loved ones that sat in the courtroom listening to the evidence, looking at the gruesome photos from the scene, and staring at a stone cold killer that denied the whole thing. On August 20th, 2021 Isaak was found guilty of murder, then in December, he listened to his fate being read off from Judge Reich - life in prison without parole.
What are the final thoughts of a man on his way to hell?
No one will ever know why Chad Isaak took his own life on the last day of July, this may seem like a closure for the victim's families, and for us, but sadly it's not, and it never will be.
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