Townsquare Media’s Dolly Dakota Going Through Cancer Treatment
A word you never want to hear from your physician is cancer. And for one co-worker of ours at Townsquare Media, she is going through the battle which affects many of us and our loved ones. We all know someone that has been through cancer or has been affected by this hideous disease.
Dolly Dakota, the midday voice you hear daily on Cool 987 is fighting this battle with courage and strength. She has decided to share the process with all of us.
Dolly was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer. As Dolly says;
You know how when you've felt like crud for a few weeks(in March), nothing really bad, but you Google your symptoms? What pops up first? Cancer.
April 9th, I feel worse, I go to Walk in clinic, get a Dr who listens to my symptoms, orders a CT scan to get things looked at. He sees something, orders more tests, makes appointments for me, gets the ball rolling really, really fast.
Dolly had her first chemo treatment Thursday, May 10th. The process for Dolly is 3 rounds of chemo, then, the surgery to remove the tumor, followed by more chemo.
You can consider it therapeutic for Dolly to share the process with all of us. From an insiders view, I can testify she has faced this temporary bump in the road of life with courage and strength. Dolly continues to keep a full schedule here at the radio station and she has another full-time job. You can't slow this woman down. It'll take something stronger than cancer to stop Dolly Dakota!
Dolly is and always has been a very active and healthy person. She works out, stays in shape and loves outdoor activities, for Pete's sake, she climbs mountains.
This will be the largest mountain she'll tackle.
As Dolly says-
I welcome all prayers, positive thoughts and good wishes. I will share updates with you as I fight this battle.
We wish Dolly all the best as she fights this battle, and it's courageous she has decided to share this experience with all of us!
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