What The Fun…Stairway To Hell In North Dakota? (WTF!)
Don't just believe me...believe this newsy-sounding lady in this post
Thanks to the good folks at The Stairway To Hell of Tagus North Dakota: Urban Legends You Tube Channel we have a baseline for this story.
"Hell hounds roaming, glowing gravestones, ghost trains, and various other ghostly activities."
They said it so I don't have to...it appears Tagus, ND has an issue with stairs.
Stairways To Hell.
My own cohort Andi calls them out as one of 5 Of North Dakota's Most Haunted Places. Actually, it's the most Evil and Haunted Places In North Dakota. Sure as heck Tagus, North Dakota (population zero) is on the list. Might be a road trip!
Let's turn to the uber-artists of Ghosts of North Dakota dot com where they have SO GENEROUSLY offered up their years of blood, sweat, and tears photography to the public domain. Thank you gentlemen for all the hard and diligent work. Your legacy will certainly live on. Here's an odd Tagus shot.
But back to the Stairwell To Hell!
As it turns out, Tagus has weathered way more than it’s fair share of vandalism and mean-spirited behavior. For years, vandals from the nearby areas have used Tagus as a party place.
One of Tagus’ residents told us a story about one Halloween night in the 1980’s, when 300 kids showed up in this tiny town for an all-out Halloween trashing session. The Mountrail County Sherriff had been tipped however and put a stop to it.
It seems Tagus has had enough tourists. Tell us Evie M
Visiting Tagus and finding the site of the staircase is a difficult task these days. Though Tagus is mostly abandoned, the residents are fiercely protective of their land and anyone who might want to come back to vandalize property, the kind of activity Tagus is a hotbed for.
Locals have even been said to chase people out of town. The land where the church once stood is now plowed over, so it's tricky to tell where one could hear the screams of the tormented, but if you stand close to the site, legend has it, you can.
Y'know, it's tricky to hear the screams. But maybe you're just not listening right. Let's head to line up dot com.
Goodness, how word has spread.
However, the rumor is that there’s an old Lutheran church that was once a hotbed for Satanic worship. The church was burned down by vandals, but many have claimed there was a large upside-down cross, a mark of Satanism, painted on the front of the building. And underneath the church is where it’s said you can step right down into hell.
If you stand in the right spot, near where the church burned down, you can apparently hear the screams of those condemned to hell.
I don't know how I can state this more plainly...
I don't know what else I can tell you. Maybe bring a jacket, it's getting cold.
Sorry Tagus, but the dopey stories are stacked against you.
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