‘Red Flag’ Gun Bill Shot Down
The North Dakota House shot down the much-debated “Red Flag” gun bill Tuesday.
The Fargo Forum reports the house rejected the bipartisan bill allowing judges to "issue protection orders temporarily preventing people deemed dangerous from possessing guns."
The bill, championed by Fargo Democratic Rep. Karla Rose Hanson, failed in a 76-17 vote, despite backing by the police chiefs from Fargo and West Fargo as a way to address a rising number of suicide calls.
"Public safety protection orders will save lives by allowing law enforcement and families to intervene in a crisis before there's irreversible harm done," said Rep. Hanson.
Proponents of the bill also argued it could also help prevent mass shootings.
Opponents said the bill was in violation of the Constitution. Rep. Rick Becker argued the bill violated constitutional firearm and due process rights.
"Make no mistake, the bill before us is without exaggeration a gun-grabbing bill," Mr. Becker said. "It supposes that the ends justify the means."
[Source: Fargo Forum]