ND Election Results: Carlson Out, Cramer, Armstrong In
The most powerful figure in North Dakota politics is out of a job. Representative Al Carlson has lost his seat in the State House.
As West Dakota Fox reported, Tuesday was generally a good day for republicans in North Dakotas. Representative Carlson was a notable exception, coming in fourth overall, unseated by newcomer Michelle Strinden.
Erin Oban won re-election, to continue as Bismarck's only Democrat in the state legislature.
Kevin Cramer and Kelly Armstrong won decisively in their respective races, giving the state an all-Republican delegation in Washington for the first time since the Dwight Eisenhower administration.
Secretary of State Al Jaeger, who had originally planned on retiring, won over challenger Josh Boschee.
Measure 3, the initiative to legalize recreational marijuana went down to defeat. Advocates of the measure say they are preparing a re-worded version of the measure for next time.
Get the information you need about the North Dakota election here.
[Source: West Dakota Fox TV]
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